Friday, July 24, 2009

So uh. Yeah I'd really like to be sleeping right now and be able to wake up early in the morning but... I'm on this really weird bodily schedule that started a few weeks ago where I go to bed at like 5AM and wake up around 2PM.
It sucks. I should take some homeopathic sleeping meds or something.
Or find some apples to put in a bowl on my nightstand. Or cook. Or stare at some music blogs for hours. Or paint some French girl. See why this keeps happening?

So I have decided to start this thing because I can't sleep and browsing the internets can only last so long before your brain starts to cry. To me this is kind of embarrassing bc everyone I know who has a blog is abroad or graduated. I half feel like I don't have the right to start one and half feel that its pretentious and that everyone who starts a blog (who is not graduated or abroad) is a self-righteous narcissist. Sorry.

But I'm bored. And can't sleep. And sometimes there are things that happen that I want to write down and keep forever. And I don't like diaries. I kept one in like 8th grade and every entry started with "Dear Legolas..." or something. It's one of those memories that whenever you happen to remember it, you involuntary implode with shame, seize your face in your hands, and cry out even if you're in a public place. So if I'm with you and this happens you'll know that I have probably just remembered that I once, at the height of adolescence, addressed my diary as "Legolas." It is enough to make you never want to touch a journal again.

So this seems the only plausible alternative. A blog.

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